Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)
Have you been designated as an RSO? We are here to help you. Radiation safety officers (RSO) are appointed by licensees’ agents and their application for certification formally submitted to the CNSC. RSOs are key to your radiation protection program and must receive training every five years, as per CNSC standards. Our RSO course is recognized by the CNSC and by users of nuclear substances. We have trained over 700 RSOs. Dynamic, useful, practical and thorough are words we hear from RSOs who have taken our course for the first, second or even third time! Our training manual is an excellent reference document for your radiation safety program.
Training focused on radiation protection knowledge and the management of a radiation safety program.
- Fixed nuclear gauge
- Portable nuclear gauge (nucleodensimeter)
- Exposure device (gammagraphy)
- Log sources
- Radiopharmaceutical sources (production and nuclear medicine)
- Research radionuclides
- Naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM)